Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fear Factor

She was afraid of snakes or a more apt description is terrified. Fear is something inherent to all humans. Some scientists have proven that it is necessary for survival. Man's fear of creatures bigger and stronger than him must have kept him from becoming extinct.

And why was she here in the first place? It all started with an invitation, one that asked her to spend a day at the zoo. She did not expect that kind of invitation from him. He was against putting animals in a cage for entertainment purposes. He was also a vegan, something he would have explained if not for her reluctance to listen. She would have turned the invitation down, if not for the words," I just wanted to spend time alone with you."

Seeing that animal wrapped around his neck made her feel uncomfortable, as if anytime that might just decide to strangle him. It was a phyton. Holding the orangutan, with the diapers, Crocs and a name that made her laugh because it was the name of somebody she knew, was all right. He was harmless, and reminded her of a child with Down's syndrome, also they were primates, man's distant relative.She never will like snakes unless they are processed leather goods already. In the bible, it was written that the serpent to deceived Eve and tempted her into eating the forbidden fruit.A snake in the grass is a sneaky person not meant to be trusted.

"Smile!" the zoo personnel holding the camera for them said. He was having his picture taken with the phyton. She was scared, unwilling to step close.

"Come on, it won't bite," he cajoled with a deceiving smile on his face.

"If you let that near me, I'll scream!" she thretened.

"It's all right to scream, ma'am" the personnel joined. She rolled her eyeballs.

After that incident, she discovered something that was to her advantage. He was scared of dogs. How could a guy like this one be cared of man's best friend? She could just laugh. He who's not afraid of the phyton is afraid of a furry little creature that resembled Nello's dog in The Dog of Flanders, a cartoon she watched as a kid. Fear is something inherent to humans but we tend to fear some things and not the others. What are you afraid of?

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