Sunday, January 9, 2011

Barbie Bride

"Have you ever owned a Ken doll?" She laughed at the question. What did it have to do with her current predicament anyway.

"That's really your plan, then," she said then shipped her now-cold coffee. "To bring me out here and ask if I ever owned a Ken doll".

He smiled back, sipped some coffee himself. "Most parents buy little girls Barbie dolls in wedding dresses, but not a lot buy a groom to go with it."

She paused, didn't know what else to say. Yes, she remembered having a Barbie doll in a wedding dress. That pretty little doll and her doll house and her top-down car and all her pink thngs. Yes, she remembers that. At age five, she found out that people get married, and at that same age, she feared growing old alone. The fear often accompanied by nightmares of an old version of herself, sitting on a rocking chair, all alone and lifeless.

How could a person like this know of such things. She technically just met him; him and all the weird stuff about him. "Let's stop talking about dolls,shall we?"

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